I have a rant that ends with a question for any of you mommies who have dealt with a similar situation. My boyfriends brother, is always telling me what to do with my daughter! I live with my boyfriend and his brother lives with us (it's only temporary) but I can't stand it when he tells me what to do with her. Some of the few things he's said is "you're spoiling her" "you should feed her this" "you should get her better toys" (she loves the toys she has!!!!) and the thing that sends me to the moon the fastest is him feeding her table food that she's never had before, without my permission (he just comes up to her and puts it in her mouth) and when he's basically telling me I'm doing everything wrong. It's not his place to say those things I feel like. Am I overreacting? What would you ladies do in this situation or were you in a similar one and how did you handle it? Thanks in advance sorry it's so long.