17 days post baby!! Feeling great just need my hair done lol; can't wait to work out!! Keep it tight Keep it right Ladies 😜 @my first doc appointment since C section...
Wow lol cute baby bump!! The joys of motherhood... This is the only c section I had where I didn't have a lot of pain after, I was surprised I thought I would be worst off!
Lol I'm just doing very light stuff but after my 6 weeks is up I'm going full force lol @elizabethjean my stomach is flat but the skin is loose 😖 I don't like at all...
You go girl! Look good for only being a little over 2weeks PP! I'm 3 weeks PP and I'm still wearing my sweats with my hair up and don't dare to go out in public, lol.
not being able to work out after my c section was killing me lol the day my daughter turned 6 weeks i didnt even wait for the doctor appointment i worked out lol