ladies yesterday I had my 38 week check with my midwife & when she felt babys head she told me he was 3/5ths engaged but I've now just looked in my book and she has put under the eng bit 5/5! what does this mean lol? is my baby fully locked and loaded or what lol
Awe bless, yeah she may just find it easier doing it the opposite way but yeah it would mean 2/5ths of head can be felt or so that's what I learnt :) xx
I had a read of my notes last night and spoke to my other half about it, and he said that she said she couldn't feel much of the head left OUT of my pelvis so I'm guessing that if im 2/5 engaged then baby is really low! My student midwife was doing baby's heartbeat at the time so wasn't really listening lol @emmajo xx
Hmm maybe she does it that way as she finds it easier to do? I was always told it was 1/5 engaged and 5/5 not engaged as it means how much of the head can be felt.. Yeah may be worth an ask.. Engagement doesn't really matter too much though as most babies don't engage until labour xx
@emmajo, hmm saw my midwife today and she said I was 2/5 - 3/5 because she could still feel most his head about my pelvis 🤔🤔 strange, I'll have to ask her when I see her next time xx
thank you @emmy_lou she told me 3/5 and I said what does that mean and she said he is on his way out but will bob in and out and when I put my hands their I can feel his head down their too. I'm just confused to as why she said 3/5 then put 5/5 in my book 😂 xx
@emmajo, that's not what I've been told, been told the higher the first number, the lower baby's head is in your pelvis 🤔 as I've gone from being 1/5 to 3/5 in 2 weeks and told that baby is on its way down and out! @mummytobex I was told that baby will Bob in and out of engagement until it's about 3 to 3.5/5 engaged xx
it's so confusing 😂 his head is definitely down as I can feel it my self & it's been like it since 32 weeks and just got further and further down but when I see my doctor she never makes any sense 😂. my midwife did say as he is my 2nd he may bob in and out of head down position xx
1/5 is engaged.. As it means how much of the head can be felt so the higher the first number the least engaged you are.. Most babies engage during labour anyways and are notorious for popping in and out along the way :) xx