Has any one tried cloth or is currently using cloth diapers? My husband and I are up in the air about it. We have 6 months to debate it but just curious of the moms who do use them and what the benefits are.
I'm getting ready to whenever little guy gets here, but my aunt did it with her little one and the benefits are amazing. It's more cost effective, even with washing. No chance of chemical burns from disposable diapers, less rashes, cleaner babies. And that fluff is just so cute... You can literally just put a shirt on them and their diapers and feel like you succeeded for the day. They also tend to be more absorbent then disposable, and less likely to get those nasty baby poo blow outs up the back. Only downside is when they start solids you have plop able poo and it can be quite disgusting.
I just listened to a great podcast on this today. it's called Newbies (for parents of new babies) and was the 10 Common Mistakes Parents Make with Cloth Diapers episode. free on iTunes and super helpful! I plan on using them once we have better access to a washer/dryer :)