Any of your LOs stop drinking formula. My son is almost 9 months and won't drink it anymore. Just eats real food. Is this bad? He just doesn't take it or maybe just doesn't like bottles anymore🤔
Oh if you breastfeed also, there may be no need for the formula at all! He could be getting all he needs from breast milk and food combined! As long as he's growing and healthy you may not need to give him formula at all 😁
My little girl is 3 months old and she doesn't want my breasts anymore. So it's really up to them, when they feel ready to more on. Or so I've been told.
Well I know they're supposed to keep drinking formula or breast milk for the first year, but I think every kid is different as long as he's healthy nutritionally and growing on schedule...I'm not 100% sure though my girl is only 4 months old, so perhaps try putting formula in a sippy cup or a regular cup and see if he'll drink from that? If not I would contact his pediatrician and ask for his or her opinion on the matter for sure...