Has anyone else ever felt jealous of their SO because they get to go to work and not have to worry about anything while you're at home all day with your little one? My husband and I have always been really close but since he started working I am feeling more and more alone. He's made all these new friends at work which is fine but then when he comes home he is always texting them or going out drinking with them on pay days even though for the 4 years we've been together he's told me how much he hates the bar scene and drinking a lot. Whenever I tell him how I feel he tells me I'm overreacting and being a jealous bitch, which may be partly true but it's because I have no one to talk to or go out with and I can't even talk to him anymore without him getting pissed off. Has anyone else's SO done anything like this or am I over thinking the situations because I am home with a 3 month old all day and no other adult to talk to.
i know how you feel. i am at home all day with a 14 month old & a 9 day old newborn. My partner will literally come home after work change his clothes & leave or if he is home he is on his phone 24/7
I agree. I'm about to turn 24 and my husband is turning 28 and he was in the marine corps and did all the going out and drinking while he was in (before we met) and now he's working a federal job and met these people whom he works with who use to be marines too and it's like he wants to be part of that lifestyle again. He also leaves for 3 months for training in February so I want to spend time with him and it seems like he'd rather do other things.
Girl me too!!! My BF is always gone. Like I watch him all night all day and he goes out and when I got pregnant I left my family to be with him so he's all I know. And it's like he misses his old life. He just turned 22 and I'm 19 and it's like damn trust me I miss my old life. Like a lot of responsibility came down on me while I was still trying to find myself but I have to do what I have to do. Me and him just don't spend time together like we use to and I hate it