Love/hate watching girls give birth on tv and in movies. Water breaks everytime, they know for sure they're in labor (it's time!), race to the hospital (because labor is sooo fast, they might miss it!), go all natural with no preparation and give birth to clean, shiny 4 month old babies!! Lol 😅😉😁😁😁

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@lesliel09 My first labor and pregnancy was similar. Dialated to 5cm with no contractions. They gave me dialation gel, sent me home and I was immediately in transition. Was pushing at home, in the car, holding him in and gave birth at the center withim ten minutes of arriving. Less than 3 hrs. A total whirlwind!! :) I kept saying, "My labor will be long, no rush, etc. I won't be that girl who says" I have to poop" when I have to push. " I was wrong 😛
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was convinced I was in false labor, my contractions were just back pain and never regular. I went to the hospital because I kept feeling like I needed to poop. I get there, was already dilated to a 9, my water breaks and we go to the delivery suite....2 pushes later and he was out. this was my first pregnancy......everyone said I'd know what labor felt like.....nope.....everyone said your first one you go to the due date or longer....nope 6 days early..... everyone said you have a long labor with your first one......nope...I am definitely counting my blessings
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hahaha it's so misleading!!
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes! I work in labor and delivery and those dads come in there about to dang near flip the ladies out the wheelchair rushing bc their water broke. when I ask how far are the contractions they mostly say something between 15 and 20 minutes 😕. Sir go have a seat ✋😂 Movies are so unrealistic
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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