Any other mommies had the birth control shot after having their first baby? Does it really work & what are your side effects? Thinking about getting it..
yes it does I take the pill I was even taking it before I was pregnet and now after having my first child I am taking it about it works really good I take the sprintec and also don't take the morena I have a friend how had it and got pregnant on it.
It definitely worked but I didn't stay on it too long because I was working at the time and I didn't want all the appointments so I got an iud instead. I think really the only thing I would say happened to me was some weight gain and I was just a little bitchier than normal lol.
I didn't have it after my son, I'm actually not using any birth control besides condoms. but I did have the shot in high school for 9 months only, I didn't get my period the whole time I was on it, which is normal but I also didn't get it for 2 years later even though they gave me birth control pills to get it going again.. some people it is different though