I was 1 cm. but I was still thick. With my first they put this pill like thing inside me for 12 hours to soften my cervix. it's called cervadil (idk if that's spelled right) and after the 12 hours is up they start your pitocin with this one they just started me on pitocin so maybe since you are still closed they will give you the cervadil. Both of my inductions went smooth. don't worry. You will be fine I promise :)
@mgaera16, were you dilated any before induction? My cervix is completely closed and my OB is unable to do a membrane sweep because he's still so high. But your induction seems like it was a smooth sail. Im here crying my eyes out because I'm scared in my situation I end up having a c section.
I was induced with my first for medical reasons and loved it and got induced with this one because I liked it so much. Everything goes really smooth you know what's going to happen and when. my pitocin got started around 8. The dr came and broke my water about 9-9:30. I got my epidural 30 minutes later. They checked me around 12:30 and I was 7 cm. The first contraction I had right after they checked me I started feeling alot of pressure and the urge to push. They checked me again a few minutes later and I was complete. I was pushed lightly 2 times. They went and got the doctor, I pushed really hard 2 more times and she was born !! With my first. I felt absolutely nothing. Her head started coming out and I didn't even know. With this one I felt alot of pressure and I could feel the stretching but it wasn't painful because I had the epidural, it just felt really strange. I was in labor 6 hours with my first and 5 with this one. @nurseriri
@mgaera16, beautiful girls. How was the induction? I'm being induced tomorrow and read that you were being induced 12/28. I'm scared to death. FTM and 40+5 overdue.