So I never told my labor story and my baby boy will be 2 weeks old on Friday but here it is. Thursday December 17th at 9am I had and ultrasound appointment and NST. I started having contractions and my blood pressure was high again! With every contractions my baby heart rate would drop. so after watching it for awhile I was sent to labor and delivery. by the time I got to LD my blood pressure was 150/90 and with my previous high blood pressures during my pregnancy they decided it was best to induce me. At 3:30pm I was 3cm and they started to induce. at 9pm I ask them to check me because the pain was getting really bad and contractions were back to back. I was 7 cm at 915pm by 1030 pm I was fully dilated. 1100pm they broke my water but he still wasnt down enough. so Lil pushes with contractions. still his heart rate was dropping with each contractions. once his head was out they told me stop pushing because his umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck. they cut it and one more push he was out. on December 18th at 1204am my baby boy was born weighing 7lbs 10oz 19 3/4 INCHES long....I'm so in love !

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