how can I tell what I'm having?
boy or girl?
I'm 19 weeks and getting impatient.
but some fun old wife tales on gender prediction I understand it's not accurate but something fun to pass time I guess lol
ugh I'm so excited I wanna know already! I can't wait to have my baby already! decorations and baby clothes and everything. sucks that I'm going through it by myself though
so funny story. I looked up about 30 wives tales. 50 % said girl and 50% said boy. and it was weird. like I didn't really have morning sickness (which means boy) but I'm having a girl. they were all backwards for me haha
o wow!!!! I do all those except the salty things it's more sweet than salty but I am craving a pickle n melted cheese it sounds so good but awkward lol
Everything my grandma told me was true for me lol. Like, if I crave savory instead of sweet, if I stopped wearing makeup, no morning sickness, and if I feel the baby on my right side all the time it would be a boy. And sure enough I'm having a boy lol. Many people don't believe in it, I didn't. But it's silly and fun to think about.
I had no morning sickness but fatigue craving a butt load of salty and sweet things, also I'm breaking out bad in acne, and I'm carrying low and my fat is all going to my hips lol
I can vouch for that. Hahaha. 5 months straight I've been sick and I have a girl, also my skin has turned to complete shit. They say she steals your beauty. Lol