Hi ladies! Need some advice...
I have been successfully pumping and bottle feeding for 8 months now. My body is no longer producing enough milk and I am stressing out because I waited to start solids with my little one. a little because I feel lost. Now I sit here trying to pump every last drop for her night feeding worrying about what to do because she normally eats 7oz and I only have 4oz left. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I feed her organic oatmeal mixed with breastmilk but she doesn't seem to eat to much of it. I have tried butternut squash and she didn't care for that same with apples. Do I just keep feeding her the same things until she just eats it?
@thehowtohippie, yeah like the speed just doesn't go as fast anymore... today I had to purchase formula just in case... And I only use it if I have to cause I did not produce enough. Still felt guilty and sad and then I had to snap out of it and say hey I did it this long that is longer than I thought I could...
if you're worried about your supply, try boosting it with Mothers milk tea and make you some lactation cookies! They work absolute wonders for me! The first day I tried the both of them, I went from 2oz. total after pumping after my son nursed (1oz each breast) and the next day after I had drank 2 cups of mothers milk tea and 3 lactation cookies, I was able to pump 2.5oz fro. each breast after he ate! It was fantastic!
@thehowtohippie, thats what I feel like it is... I have already had it replaced and at first it was great and not. even a month later it's back to me scrounging...
If you want to keep breastfeeding i would look up recipies for food that will make you make more milk. i know that oatmeal naturally helps you make more and so does brewers yeast. i have found a wonderful chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.