So I just found out I failed my glucose test and my numbers came back around 215...I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail the 3 hour test as well and I'm pretty sure I now have diabetes to add to my list of problems this pregnancy :\ did any other moms go through this? did anyone have a number that high but passed the second test? and after the baby is born will my diabetes go away or will it get worse?

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my one hour came back high too but the 3 hour was great I have to do the 3 hour again so I'm hoping it's good too
24.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
and they go away after birth long as u follow the diet they give u and be active and keep ur gluecose levels good . nd that lowers the risk of stillbirth 1 in 200 people not many people at all so don't worry.
24.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
yep I know what ur going through I have pregnancy diabetes to and they put me on a diet have to follow the guidlines and excercise and drink lot of water nd can't have any fruit juice nd u have to watch ur carbs and count them everyone has this diet fit for them just because one can have it to eat doesnt mean the other person who has it can eat it. nd basically u see a dietitian and they tell u what to eat if u have it . nd u have to prick ur finger to test ur gluecose levels nd if u can manage it with diet and exercise then u won't have to do insulin.
24.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Gestational diabetes go away when you give birth. I don't think if they can stay around but I'm not 100% sure on that, but for anyone I ever talked to they went away!
24.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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