After 37 hours of labor and 30 minutes of pushing, little baby Railynn Grea Leigh was born at 7:53 on the snowy morning of December 20th. Unfortunately my poor little girl was born with an infection and has been in the neonatal care unit since then. Luckily she is doing well and they are expecting that we will be taking her home on Christmas eve. Until then we are staying long and strong by her side here at the hospital. I can't wait to take my baby home. <3
@belovedswty, I have thought about that. We are going to throw a family party every year for her birthday that is apart from christmas and then let her pick any day of the year to throw an actual birthday party . with her friends. @mommaz. thank you. :)
lol she's going to be awesome then!! Just promise me not to bundle her bday and Xmas presents together!! my parents always gave me just one big present.. but I always felt jibed lol..
omg.. deja vu.. that's exactly what happened when I was born.. I was also born on the 20th with an infection and came home on Christmas eve.. I told my husband and he just said 'oh wow!'..