@jaleasa88, yup that's how my daughter was....its gonna take a wk or so before your body understands how much to actually produce. so right now is perfect to pump. its ridiculous how much milk I have stored I've already gone thru 2, 60 pack boxes of storage bags and working on my third. I'm gonna have to invest in a deep freezer
I do both every 2 to 3 hrs, that's how often my daughter eats, she's only 2 wks old. she only takes in abt 3 oz per feeding. I have to pump after each feeding because my breast will still be very full. I pump at least 2.5 oz from each breast, sometimes more depending how full I am. try to get ur feedings on a schedule then put some of ur pumped milk into a bottle to measure how much baby is actually eating, I use a 5 oz bottle. also find of water will help up ur supply. eating oatmeal and drink some "mother milk" tea will help also.
I pump after she nurses or in between because I'm trying to up my supply and I pump until nothing comes out and about 5 min after to tell my body to make more