Do any mommies sleep in the bed with their newborns? My son will sleep in his sleeper bassinet most of the time, but he sleeps longer when he's laying on or beside me. I'm just worried about putting him in the bed with me 😭
I do! He loves sleeping with us. I sleep with my head at the bottom and Arian gets the top of my side while the husband gets his side Bc he moves a lot. But Arian is 6 months old and won't sleep without being in bed with us
when my daughter was a newborn I would let her sleep in the bed with me sometimes in a little baby nest with sides on it so she wouldn't roll out on accident. sometimes it helped and sometimes it didn't
my 1st is now 3 years old this past July & she still will get in the bed with me if u have a 4 in 1 crib make it in2 a toddler bed so ur closer 2 him but still he has his own space uk that helped me out alot just just an opinion on it
I didn't-both my husband and I toss and turn like crazy. If he were older I'd say you could modify it, but newborn? I probably wouldn't. Could you try the bassinet in the bed with you?
when I stay with my grandma, I don't have room for my son's pack n play so he sleeps in the bed with me and it's a twin size bed. I know I don't move while I'm sleeping so I know he's fine. plus I get cuddles from him since my husband is in a different state ☺
I never did only because I'm s hard sleeper and so is her dad. I was wayyy too scared something would happen. sometimes she slept on my chest when we'd fall asleep but I'd put her in her rock and play as soon as I woke up.