Absolutely. Watch some YouTube videos on water births. So relaxing. I feel like the Mothers are so focused and prepared that all they care about is that the baby will be there soon and they're on it lol. I hated not being able to walk after my Daughter was born with the epidural. An I'm paying for it now. 😭
@srkr1191, The birthing suite I visited had a huge bath and a big bed so whatever happens haha. I've just read so much about the benefits of using it as pain relief.
I'm planning one even though I'm early. My doctor with my first was terrible. He gave almost every patient episiotomies just to get in and out. I hadn't even been pushing 13 minutes and he cut me. I want to try a natural water birth. I heard apart from calming you and the pain, it helps reduce risk of tearing. I'm thankful my new obg has midwives and a birthing center at the hospital. You can have the bed too incase you decide to get out of the water.
we had planned a water birth but unfortunately my fiancé was only home for a little bit of time so I had to be induced at 40 weeks and ended up with a c-section