Also...csection mommas....I did a no no today and picked up my 2 year old to get her on the couch so I could change her since she was being ornery and not listening to me about climbing onto the couch. I'm 2 weeks post csection tomorrow and still have trouble carrying around my newborn because of health issues already there and due to some that were surgery induced. Ever since I did that (I was sitting on the couch and picked her up). Ever since then, my incision has hurt like a bear as has my back (well more of a bear then it usually is). any thoughts on if I just tweaked it all of what should I do??

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after I had my csection I was doing a lot and I ended up opening mine up on the ends a few times. and I also felt pain but nothing was wrong with the incision.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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