hanna ward
hanna ward
Ok y'all I have to rant! So this girl I know had a baby bout a month ago. Right after she had the baby I asked how everything was and her response was awful. I haven't talked to her since then because it really got under my skin. You JUST had a baby and the only thing you can say is awful. Get off your high horse and realize that you just brought a precious child into this world. Idc how painful or awful your labor is or if you have to have a c-section (which I have had one so I know how they are) if your baby is born completely healthy (which she was born completely healthy) stop complaining!!!!

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Thank you, I'm happy everything worked out well for us as well. And I know what it's like being away from family. I was stationed in Spain, got out of the Navy and am now living in Virginia because my husband is stationed here and my closest family member is my sister and that's 10 hours away. 😐 my husband is deployed and so is my close friend lol. So I only know one other person here. So thank you and same for you, if you ever need to talk or vent.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@breloya, oh my! So glad you and baby are ok! I have tried and tried to be her friend. Through her pregnancy I went through one of the hardest times ever and still didn't let it show. Like you I put on a happy face. I always checked on her making sure things were good even though how she is has always gotten under my skin. I'm a military wife so I know we are far from family and try to be there for all the spouses no matter how they are. After that though I just couldn't do it anymore you know? And if you ever need anyone to talk to send me a message! I promise I am not a judgmental, hatful person. I am very easy to talk to and get along with lol and I am always here to listen!
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@1130nnne, nope they had no time to give her anything. It was awful! Her water broke and the umbilical cord came out. Very deadly to baby. I however had the best experience possible with my c-section (no pain after or anything) I have a high pain tolerance. I have to get another one this time around also
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@hward12, yeahhh, the after pain is the worst but why didn't they give her the epidural?
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ehh, I understand. I hemorrhaged and passed out and had a bad after birth experience, but when people asked, I told them positive things and my baby was healthy etc. Even when I was deeply depressed, I wouldn't let others know. I just told them she was healthy and happy etc. So I understand, I just thought that you were being judgmental from the first read, but if she's just a selfish person, doesn't care about anyone else, etc. and you've tried everything to check on her and whatnot, then do drop her as a friend.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@zombiemombie, exactly thank you! And I get postpartum depression and I get that it can affect people more than affect others but the fact that she was so selfish before she even had her baby just didn't surprise me that after she had her baby that it was all about her and nothing else
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@1130nnne, see and another thing is one of my best friends a week before had had her baby by an emergency c-section. And when I mean they cut her while she still could feel EVERY little pain. Her recovery was awful because her body went through one of the most tragic things it can go through (meaning you heard under surgery and your body can feel every cut stitch and pain) I saw her the next day at the hospital. She was in the WORST pain ever but you know what she said. My baby is ok and that's all that matters. (Her baby would have died if they hadn't got her out before she had one more contraction)
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@breloya, she may have it you are right about that. But she was a very selfish person before even becoming pregnant. Then she got pregnant and it was ALL about her ALL the time. I stopped talking to her then because it was every little thing she was going through and nothing that anyone else was going through. I knew her pregnancy was high risk so after she had the baby I wanted to make sure EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING was good. I asked how everything was and the only thing she could say was she was awful. I already knew baby was ok because my husband had talked to the father of the child. I never once went off or anything. It got under my skin and I haven't talked to her since because I can't deal with selfish people.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
yeahh I had a emergency csection worst experience ever since you can't hold your baby and your right the less think of your worries is yourself but your kid
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@1130nnne, I had to have a c-section with my first due to health issues. We weren't even aloud to have him with us until after 4 hours of him being in the warmer because his body couldn't regulate his temp. It wasn't the best experience or all sunshine and rainbows but when people asked how things were first thing to come out of my mouth was about my child not me. Especially since they weren't asking about me they were asking about the full situation
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@bellahali, this isn't my first rodeo. I have a child. I had forms of PPD. She may have it and that MAY be causing her to be even more selfish than she was before she even had the baby but how she was before she even had her it's not surprising that it was all about her and not the fact that she just had a baby.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@alyen2, I didn't ask how SHE was I asked how everything was. Se never even once mentioned her child. I have a child I understand it's not all sugar and rainbows. I had a c-section, my child couldn't be with us for the first 4 hours. I had forms of PPD. I understand everyone handles everything's different but this is the kind of person she always has been. All about herself, very selfish and if it's not her way you automatically are wrong. I never once went off on her or anything. I simply asked how things were and after I got her response I never sent anything back.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I had severe PPD with my first child. he never slept when I would try to. I ripped my incision and was doing everything alone. I was living in a spare room too small for the both of us at the time and his father denied him. I was allergic to my sisters three dogs and and her cat wouldn't stay away from my son. I couldn't find a ride to my sons first doctors appointment so they called dcfs on me for not having transportation. I'm sorry but even when I was in tears. I never said it was horrible be cause no matter what happened to me. even going 3 days without sleep I was gratful for the fact I didn't come home empty handed. I was awoken but the most beautiful person I cherish today.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
You should reach out to her and help her. It could be PPD. You might have it as well after the baby. It's common.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I can say for my first born it wasnt so good I had a csection I had not help from nobody my bf was in mexico I was alone it was all new to me
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Exactly my thoughts @breloya
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
She may have severe PPD and may not be binding well with her baby at the moment. When I first had my baby, I loved her to death, but there were also periods where I was so depressed that I just wanted to die... I dunno, there's always another side to somebody's story, so try not to be so quick to judge her.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Doesn't mean I didn't love my child or that I wasn't grateful he was healthy. It meant I was struggling.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's really hard going through labor and healing and having a newborn. If you ask how she's doing, don't expect her to sugarcoat it. Everyone handles it differently. I had a really hard time and had postpartum depression for the first month. It's not all rainbows and butterflies. She needs support, not judgment.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Btw reason im bringing this up now is because she keeps trying to contact me.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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