I need some helpful adivce. My mom has tried taking my daughter for stupid reasons and now she gets court order visitation. i am trying to stop visits because since visits have started she has come back with inguries and has had problems that a 14 month old baby shouldnt have. I currently have an emergency order of protection until Tuesday the 15th when I go back to prove to the judge that she is being harmed while in my mothers care. I go back to court in January to try to stop visitation. Has anyone else gone through this? If so how did you get through the stress? I dont want any rude comments.

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i take pictures, i write everything down. my mom called cps on me for taking my daughter to the doctor when she been sick and now o have cos on my side and is going to help testify against my mom in court.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I haven't experienced this but I do have a few ideas, one this is to keep track and document what you see. Take pictures of all the bruises and I think you should either take her to the doctor's or call the police so that you can show that you're not ignoring what's happening and that you're doing something about it. I think if you were to tell the police that she has visits and she's hurting your baby the least they'll do is order supervised visits after that more details would play a factor
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I would deff take pictures of all the injuries and bring that to court with you
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
message me if you ever wanna talk. I know it's hard and you're not alone on it
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
oh wow. i am sorry you had to go through that.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
oh god I hope she's okay!! poor baby! I hope my all turns out better than my experience! the father of my child was abusive and when I told him I wouldn't get a abortion he pushed me into a table and I got cut on my stomach, his attempt at making a abortion. he was horrible and I was only with him because I was scared and in a very rough situation. I filed for a order kg protection and fought my whole pregnancy just to be told on the day I gave birth that others dropped he he "hopes all is well" with this situation. the father doesn't know he's born as far as I know and doesn't even know the sex of my child. I hope this doesn't happen because it's beyond scary I know that. good luck hun!
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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