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Had to write this to my best friend...if she wants to get mad OH WELL...these are the times you should of proved you were a good friend✋ idk if I am being dramatic but this time is REALLY important to me, it's a new experience and you aren't there for me at all...common she is suppose to be my best friend and never asks me how my pregnancy is doing or how I am feeling...hardly hits me up anymore...w.e good morning lol sorry

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I'm going through the same exact thing.. I honestly feel like it's more jealousy.. Well on my end Bc she always talks about hoping that she's pregnant when her period is late but her boyfriend doesn't want a kid yet.. Fuck them though... I don't need them. My life is complete with my husband and my little baby growing inside of me 💙
13.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
My best friend disappeared the day I got with my husband. I've been alone since then and you know what I'm happy! Can't wait until my true best friend is born girl you won't care about anything or anyone but your baby!
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
thank you😘 @missnaty
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I get you everyone is different and yeah things change in time it's true but deff wait to hear her out depending on her response you will know what's the right thing to do ☺️ @happymommy_
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
but i still will wait for her response...because even if she fucked up she still has time to fix it 😀 @missnaty
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
i dont agree with u 100% it could be your cousin and if they act some type of way you can cut them out...she was my best friend...its not easy to cut her out but when someone who calls themselves your best friend isn't there for you then you should drop them out...and even if she feels left out that's not always the situation...because I am a great friend and married or not, baby or no baby I will never leave my friends out...i still give them the same attention because that is just the type of person i am...its not about seeing it in a negative aspect because i am a really positive person its about seeing things how they REALLY are...some people can be your best friend for yrs and then one day not be anymore...that's matter who they are some people deserve to get cut off...but i do respect your opinion...I am just saying not everyone is like that @missnaty
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
wow that is messed up...they are using you for their hair...i would flip! lol @ashdough11
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
PREACH!! lmao i feel are ABSOLUTELY right😂😂 @mango44
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Does she have any kids? If she doesn't maybe she feels left out or a bit jealous that she's gonna lose a best friend cause it won't be the same after the baby is here, jus like when one best friend gets married and one doesn't she will feel left out of the loop cause things will be different that's jus normal for people to fall back cause they feel like that's not there place to care but they should.. So you have to look at it in her shoes to can't think negative and if you can drop her like nothing then she really wasn't your best friend at all so maybe wait till she replies but only you know what to do , good luck though hope it works out cause it sucks not having friends by you and preggie is jus an app these people are not your true friends jus giving you their opinions so remember that @happymommy_
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
i totally get this. my best friend and i stopped talking when she couldnt even be bothered to show up to my shower, no call no text no show. ny other friends only stop by when they want their hair done and they leave as soon as im done and dont call me or text to see how im doing otherwise. its messed up :(
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
EXACTLY. and honestly, the people that stick around and show consistency are the only ones you'll want in you and baby's life. you want friends around that baby will recognize and be comfortable with, not those that come and go and baby is looking like "uhh, stranger danger. mommy who is this?!" lmao. and if she hinders you in any way from success, she definitely needs to be left right where she is. fuck her texts and calls and visits lol she can keep them. but she better not drag her lil ass back around when you're doing well & successful. people always want to be around so they can report some shit like "yea she had her baby, she isn't doing well, etc etc" hoping you'll fuck up so they can tell someone all about it. females can be so shady, but FUCK THAT. you're gonna be a new, SUCCESSFUL, & beautiful mommy & she can chew shit 😂 *side note: i got mad like it was my old "friends" lmao
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@happymommy_ Yup! It's sad. And I'm not going to make time for the childish crap. People need to grow up
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
i did tell her...let's see what her answer is...even though I already know...she will just give me a bunch of excuses why she "couldn't" hit me up or blame me
..if she does any of those too she will be officially cut off...people can never admit to their mistake @sarahrachel0715
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Tell her girl! I cut my 'best friend' off. I was there for her her whole pregnancy and after she had her baby. Soon as I got pregnant....silence. All she'd ever do is give me bullshit reasons as to why I should leave my fiancé (she does this with every guy I've ever dated) and then post on Facebook about how ready she was for my baby to be excuse me....Stop trying to use my baby to get attention for yourself and maybe, I don't know, ask how me and her are doing... but then she wants to call me a fake friend. I just client even have time for it
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
thank you baby😘 that made me feel a lot better because you are absolutely right... ill just get new friends lmao let me stop...but shit happens for a reason...i need friends that will be successful only...people that will be there for me no matter what...not take breaks from me on my most important times...i will be extremely successful in a near future and those are the people that will want to be there and it will be too late...i just cant believe people sometiems @mango44
12.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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