About your first born.
1. Was your first pregnancy planned? Yupp
2.Were you married? No
3. What was your reaction to finding out? I Screamed top of my lungs
4. We're you induced? Yes
5. How old were you? 18 when I got pregnant, 19 when I found out.
6. Who did you first tell? Well my mom heard me.scream and came running to the bathroom and saw the test sitting on the corner....
7.How did you find out? Pregnancy Test at home.
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Definatley!
9. Due date? Oct. 18th
10. Did you deliver early or late? Early, preclampsia. Oct 11th
11. Did you have Morning sickness? Oh my god... I had nothing else but.
12. What did you crave? Chicken wings and pizza rolls wrapped in cotton candy.
13. how many pounds did you gain? 70 exactly
14. What was the sex of the baby? Boy (:
15. Did you have any complications during labor? His heartbeat stopped and they came running in to put the internal monitors on him and turn him.
16. Where did you give birth? Mountain View.
17. How many hours were you in labor? almost 17 hours
18.How much did your baby weigh? 7lbs 5 oz
19. What did you name him/her? Draiden Henry Melander ♡
20.How old is your first born today? He will be 2 months on the 11th.

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