I can't eat or sleep...this should be such an amazing time for me and I should be overwhelmed with joy having my new baby here now but all I can do is look at her and cry and apologize to her over and over bc her daddy doesn't love me and walked out on me at 36 weeks 1 day pregnant and she was born at exactly 38 weeks! She's beautiful and I do absolutely enjoy her and adore her but today has been a rough one! He made it look so easy to just up and leave and I'll never breaks my heart bc she'll never have a single memory of her parents together or any pictures of us from her birth...I was already a single mom to my two older daughters and I became a single mom to three before my baby was even born! I've never felt like such a failure in all my life! I'm barely hanging on these days! I just want to be happy and be able to enjoy my baby without feeling guilty every time I look at her precious face! My heart is completely broken

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@casey_, thanks it feels a bit better I'm not alone in feeling this way bc I feel guilty constantly and apologize over and over bc she doesn't deserve this
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I felt the same way too with my daughter, its a crappy way to feel and im sorry. it comforts me a little knowing im not the only one who feels this way. the first week of my daughters life almost every time I would feed her I would look down and start crying. I couldn't imagine giving up something so beautiful and precious.
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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