Echo Ramirez
Echo Ramirez
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labor story:
on September 4th, my doctor had scraped my membrane hoping to make my son come to the world sooner. that night I had gone for my routine walk but just want feeling it and went back into the house. 2:00 am September 5th, I had horrible "cramps" in my backand I was up ALL night. I had no idea contractions could happen on your back so I waited until 7:00 to tell my family. they then told me was having contractions. the contractions were only 1 minute apart since 3:00 am. we hurried to the hospital where they said I was only dilated to a 4 and was about to send home until I started bleeding to the extreme. they decided to keep me and took me to the labor room. they broke my water and I refused to have any medicine or epidural. I didn't want anyone in the room because I do not like to be touched lol. but the nurse, when I was in excruciating pain, decided to give me medicine without my consent. turns out it was the one that I am allergic to, hydrocodone. I was unable to move talk or remember anything. my mother came in and asked me what was wrong and when I was unable to answer her, she found out and went off on the nurses. somehow, I suddenly had strength to push, but the doctor was walking around the always like nothing was going on. my son's head was out and the doctor still was standing across the room. other than the shitty ass hospital, and them giving me medicine, I would've had a smooth, easy labor. I'm just glad my son came out healthy and perfect.

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and they didn't think to check that?! what is wrong with them?!
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know!! I even had the allergy button on my wristband 😠😠 @mypregnancy_journey
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
thank you for sharing your story! so glad you had a healthy baby. as far as that nurse, such an irresponsible thing to do! they have to tell you what they are giving you first 😒
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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