Update on my knee injury.
Nothing is broken as far as they could tell, it's just very swollen which is causing me not to be able to bend it that much. I don't have an infection, thank god lol. They want me to watch what I'm doing with picking up heavy things cause it's a strong possibility that I could have fractured it but not bad but still could cause some damage. I have to keep it elevated and she also said if I want the swelling to go down quickly to put fresh raw meat on it 😳 lol I'd rather not waste meat. By the rate my body and neosporin healing it completely in the last 3 days, it should be closed up in the next 4-5 days. They have me doing knee bends in every which way at home so it doesn't lock up or anything on me. I go back in a week to see how it's doing.
My morning has been SOOOO festive just glad to be home with Aj.
8.4 лет

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