LMAO... biomom rant...
as some of you know, I'm a stepmom to an awesome (though slightly terrifying 2yo lol) well, her mom drops her off and I'm still in my pajamas (well, BFs clothes) because it's cold and I really don't care. so BM comes in, and stares me up and down and kind of snorts and says "I remember getting him those pajama pants" and I wanted to say "when? during your barely 2yr marriage because you cheated on and left him?" she acted shocked to see me wearing his clothes and got pissy when my tummy wiggled from our son kicking up a storm. then she had the nerve to ask me about their final divorce papers I was just like "no he hasn't received anything yet you might want to talk to your lawyer" and she stormed out. like, you have no room to get snotty over a life you chose to leave.