jessica avila
jessica avila
So my MIL is the most childish person ive ever met she got pissed off at me because my hubby and I said that our baby was getting used to being carried all the time and that we would appreciate it if they didn't carry him all of the time because I wasn't able to get stuff done around the house but we never said they couldn't carry him at all. So she only talks to my hubby and she's been telling him that I'm a first time parent that idk anything about babies and that im just trying to put him against her like really?? So she refuses to talk to me because she says its all my fault but I know I didn't do anything bad I shouldn't have to go apologize for making decisions over my baby I feel like everyone should respect our decisions and shouldn't have to be so dramatic and make a big problem outta something so stupid. Also she was taking being a grandma way to seriously it was as if the baby was hers not mine and that bothered me to cause she wouldn't let me enjoy anytime with him am I just overreacting?

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No. my mom does that with my nephew and it drives my sister nuts. if she tries to do that with my daughter I'm gonna flip a bitch.
22.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
it is your abby however every baby will go through that always wanting to be held stage and they need to be held often to form a stong connection with you and others.. I'll be using a baby sing so I can still get things done
22.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
my mother in law is the exact same way!! except she just doesn't seem to care or listen to what I say.. and I'm not a first time mom which pisses me off even more... I'm like come on I have 2 other kids this is second nature to me.. but she has cancer and was going through all this depression before the baby was born.. so everyone makes me feel like shit when I complain.. but its my baby and I want to enjoy him too!
22.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
No definitely not . she should respect that you don't want to spoil the baby by him being held all the time
22.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
No, is your baby!!!
22.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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