@rylansmommy, I'm sorry to hear that, my friend had hers removed because it caused her to have bad acne I think it has a lot of hormones especially if its supposed to last 5 years. I hope your feeling better after having it removed
@amorette, I have tried every type of birth control and my body has rejected it. they say my body is rejecting the progestron.. instead of birth control helping me it just makes me bleed constantly.. so I decided to try mirena, I've only had the mirena in a week and its already causing me problems...So we decided to have it removed.. I'm almost 4 months pp, so we will just have to see..
I had it after my first its quick and easy it causes your periods to be very light and you can live carefree not having to worry about birth control BUT unfortunately for me it caused my hair to thin (luckily I have thick hair it wasn't to noticeable) I got this dry patch on my forehead that wouldn't go away and I was very emotional and couldn't lose weight BUT I am sensitive to hormones so maybe that's why I had a bad experience also my body rejected it 4 months after insertion I was cramping bad all day then went to wipe and felt something sharp I pulled on the strings and there it was my IUD in my hand. Maybe that was meant to happen now I'm expecting my second lil one 6 months pp. After this one I will probably get the paraguard because its hormone free. I'm not trying to talk you out of getting the mirena I'm just sharing my experience with it and if your sensitive to hormones then give it some thought but but if hormones don't bother you then go for it! I loved it at first. hope this helped 😉
@rylansmommy which one? the one who is getting it removed now only had it in for a couple of months. I'm not sure how long the other one had it. Everyone is different though, I personally wouldn't get it..