I need some advice..I'm married, and have 2 little girls with my husband. Thing is..I feel like I am doing it all on my own. My husband is always on his Xbox, computer, or cell phone..and never wants to help with our girls. He gets mad when I ask him to change a diaper or feed our older daughter (younger daughter is EBF). He never helps me clean up around the house, and leaves a mess everywhere he goes. I'm to the point where I am unhappy in our marriage..and feel a single mom. Help.!
thanks @peaceinfall. He is finally starting to help out a little..but he complains more than anything.
28.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Try counseling, put first try talking to him yourself, if it doesn't work counseling can help because miscommunication is a big thing in relationships.
@myworld94 I tell him almost daily that I can't do it all by myself. I don't think he gets it. He is all about himself. He doesn't care about anyone else.
Maybe you should try sitting down with him and explaining how you feel. its not fair you have to do everything while he plays on his Xbox. Tell him when you ask him to do something its not to upset him its to get his help. men are dumb they always need to be reminded to do stuff its like they never grow up. Goodluck! :)