any supplementing moms who can offer me encouraging words. all I wanted to do was exclusively breast feed yet I'm having to supplement and its really upsetting to me. #needingemotionalencouragement
supplementing is ok to do. i did it with both kiddos. i breast fed what my body could give. and that gave me the wonderful opportunity to help my connection to baby be stronger. :)
My daughter is 4 months old & I had said I would breastfeed hopefully for at least a year unfortunately it didn't work out like that. At one month and a half I noticed I stopped producing as much milk as I normally did. I started doing every trick in the book to try and get production up. By 2 months she needed more than I was producing so I started supplementing a little but not a lot. 2 weeks later it really started dwindling and by 3 months I dried up completely. I was happy I supplemented because she took to it fairly quickly.....
well my son NEVER wanted to BF and it was like I failed as a mom but you know what, he's smart without it so don't feel bad having to supplement to give more nutrients to your baby, it's NOT ALL bad