Help!!! I've had a side right pain cramp ( a cramp like you just went running) for like two hours now and I just layed on my left side and the cramp was unbearable I had to turn on my back.. It hurts when I breath in and out also. I have no cramps in my abdomen or anything it's just my right side.. What is it? Bad??

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I had this same thing but it was also in my lower back so I went and seen my doc and he checked me but I was still closed and he said has no idea what it was! He told me to rest, feet up, lots of water for the next two days and if it doesn't go away in those two days to go to L&D to see if they knew what was goin on. Mine went away later that night tho so I didn't have to go in. Good luck!
09.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Idk it just seems like a cramp in my side lol.. I had gotten up from laying down on my side and the cramp started ever since I stood up..
09.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Does it hurt front and back ? I had this and turned out to be a UTI with a kidney infection.... And i had no signs of a uti either still went pee no burning nothing
09.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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