I posted recently about having survive pain when my daughter latches on my right side. I just finished pumping..and the tip of my nipple is bulging out, almost like there is liquid behind it. Could that be causing my latching problem.? And, how do I fix it.?
time to heal and the pain will eventually go away if your size is right. i had alot of pain when i first started but it didnt last long. i left some info in the comments that may help you too. ☺
@hersheyhippo3 I do have one more question..do you know if I have to keep nursing for the pain to go away or will it still go away if the size of my pump cup was the problem. I used a smaller size last lime I pumped, but it still hurts, because when I nursed my daughter she popped the blister like thing. Or will it just take time to heal.?
you're very welcome. im always happy to help where i can. i am the only one in my family who breastfed so i had to learn things by myself. please dont hesitate to contact me if you need. ☺
im surprised it didnt come with an information booklet. any who, you can visit medela.com for any replacement parts ect. theres also www.ilca.org, 1800tellyou, www.nursingmothers.org for more support from pros.
@hersheyhippo3 I can only adjust the speed on my pump....should I be able to adjust something else too.?
And, I always make sure it is comfortable..but sometimes it is painful on the slowest setting.