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 my due date was not until 11-29-15. Well on Thursday October 22 , 2015  i was just 34 weeks and 3 days so i got up thinkin I'll have a normal day and went to the dr. All they had scheduled this morning was a non stress test. just to check and make sure everything was going good bc I had / have cholestasis. So my Dr and I already discussed delivering early well like 37 weeks. . She just had to figure out the right date to where I'd be far enough along and it would be safe. So I'm at the dr on the monitor doing the test and he's not too active.  He moved maybe one time which had me worried so I'm there for a while maybe an hour. I've drank cold OJ She's buzzed my baby and everything he moved 3 times total so the dr wasn't pleased. She said okay we are gonna have you go straight to the hospital. So I get here get on the monitor and they are saying his heart sounds great they do an ultrasound and still he's barely moving. So they are running test saying he's fine. He may just be tired I'm thinking no can't be it but okay whatever I'm not a Dr . So she finished the ultrasound and put me back on the monitor well after about 15 mins my son's heart rate dropped. Went from 159 ish all the way down to 70. They decided then & there emergency c section had to happen rushed got an iv in my arm and got me naked. About an hour and some time later . My son was born at 1:57 pm weighing 5 lbs 3 oz 17in long. And boy was he beautiful I was all doped up and everything I cried my eyes out. I'm a mom now. And blessed with a Beautiful little boy that I can call my own. He was early but is healthy. And I'm happy.

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thank you so much guys.
28.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
congratulations! so happy for he and that hes healthy
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Congratulations mommy, happy tears for you!
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
@cjsmommy10, glad he is doing good, I had my son 10/14/14 at 34weeks and 5days he weighed 5lbs 12 oz!!
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
congratulations and I'm very happy he's healthy and everything turned out alright! He's precious!!
26.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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