Sorry just need to vent:
So my fiancée we been together for years and ive been nothing but loyal to him 100%. Now before him I was with another guy who was actually a close friend of mine we only hooked up one time and that was when I really young and it shouldn't have happen. Well my fiancée meet this friend when we first got together years ago. He asked me if I ever did anything with him I lied and said no. it was just strange to tell him yes when we was standing in the guy house. So Tonight he get drunk and it mixes with his new medicine and he goes crazy Saying I lied and been lying for years about this one person. Im still friends with him and been friends with for most of childhood. I knew my fiancée hated him so stop talking to him and deleted him from Facebook and such i haven't talked to him in 2-3 years now. So we got into a fight over nothing and I got was really upset BC it got really bad my neighbors called the cops. I started to throw up foam and im 30 weeks pregnant with his child. Now big dummy thinks it not his even though I haven't been with no other guy since him. I was going to go to the hospital to make sure the baby ok but dummy jumps out of the car and starts walking I cant find him. So here I am stuck. Do yall think anything can happen to the baby and she moving and kicking now so I feel she may be and im not throwing up anymore. Im just heartbroken right now.

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@jaixi, yeah he home now and he going to the. Doctor Tomorrow to change The meds but he back to normal now so Idk
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Well one he shouldn't had being drinking taking any meds. But I'm sorry you guys had to go through that. I'm not familiar with adhd behavior but that defiantly doesn't seem apart of that. Have you spoken to him since about the incident?
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
@jaixi, Im just so hurt he never done this before within the 5 years we been together. We live together and its never been so bad. He broke our house phone throw my sewing machine Destroyed our bedroom I stayed up last night cleaning up the mess till 4 in the morning. Even our dog was terrified and shaking last night. The doctor had started im some new medicine for his adhd Wednesday and I believe that when he was drinking it counter acted or something. His friend who was over here even said that he wasn't himself. Idk I dont know what to do this has just but me in shock
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Good and you're fine. That's what preggie is for
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yall im really sorry I put my business out like this i dont normally do something like that but I was just so upset and heart broken and needed to talk to someone and honestly its easier to talk to strangers then people who know BC they would just tell me what I want to hear not what I need to know. Also @jaixi the foam was like when you dry heave and you have nothing in your system you start throwing up that thick foam stuff. It looks like foam soap that was i was throwing up but I wasnt dry heaving. So I guess it was stomach acid something but I was chocking on it when it was coming up. It stop after a while. thank you ladies so much for the help the baby is good and they said just try not to get upset anymore BC I can stress myself in early labor and the baby could survive since im 30 weeks but under stress the baby more likely not too. So im home and he came home and we just going to rest all day and no more arguments @mommyof3tobe @jess335 @tashi
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
I agree with @jaixi
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Fuck him you better make sure your baby is okay. Idk what you mean by foam but that's sounds more important to find out what that is than looking for a grown man throwing a tantrum.
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
let him cool down n go get checked
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'd still get checked if I were u
25.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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