Sorry just need to vent:
So my fiancée we been together for years and ive been nothing but loyal to him 100%. Now before him I was with another guy who was actually a close friend of mine we only hooked up one time and that was when I really young and it shouldn't have happen. Well my fiancée meet this friend when we first got together years ago. He asked me if I ever did anything with him I lied and said no. it was just strange to tell him yes when we was standing in the guy house. So Tonight he get drunk and it mixes with his new medicine and he goes crazy Saying I lied and been lying for years about this one person. Im still friends with him and been friends with for most of childhood. I knew my fiancée hated him so stop talking to him and deleted him from Facebook and such i haven't talked to him in 2-3 years now. So we got into a fight over nothing and I got was really upset BC it got really bad my neighbors called the cops. I started to throw up foam and im 30 weeks pregnant with his child. Now big dummy thinks it not his even though I haven't been with no other guy since him. I was going to go to the hospital to make sure the baby ok but dummy jumps out of the car and starts walking I cant find him. So here I am stuck. Do yall think anything can happen to the baby and she moving and kicking now so I feel she may be and im not throwing up anymore. Im just heartbroken right now.