so my labor was amazing !!
water broke at 8:30 am , started pushing at about 6:00 pm & then my gorgeous girl was born at 6:14 pm !
i felt absolutely no pain whatsoever ! ☺️ It was incredible . I cried once she came out cause i was so haooy and in love 💜. We had to hurry cause her heart-rate dropped a little & the cord was around her neck . but she is great now ! (: ai got like 2-4 stitches afterwards cause the placenta was stuck & had to be manually removed .. Im kinda sore now but other than that , i can truly say my labor was so perfect & painless ☺️😁😍 i now have a beautiful little 7 lb 5 ounce , 19 inches long little girl who I am in love with ((: