My 2 1/2 month old had been so cranky the last two days. He is exclusively bf and has been pulling away at feeding and crying. I take him off, try to burp him, and he screams. He has been spitting up thick clear mucous with white curds.. And I think he sounds congested. No stuffy nose, more like a rattling in his throat, but it's not consistent... I'm wondering if this could be due to the change in weather? I've taken him to the doctor a few times and mentioned him spitting up a lot, but it's just recently become very thick. The doctor didn't seem concerned about him spitting up.... Any mommies have any clue what this could be?

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Poor little man! 😕
08.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Honestly I would switch doctors they are belittling you. A mother knows best. I would make an appointment now for next week because you will need to go in.
08.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
That's what I've thought it was since he was around a month old. He kept spitting up a lot. And when I took him in for that they told me it wasn't something to worry about. He's just started pulling away within the last two days, so I called the doctor today. They told me to give him gas drops and if he doesn't seem better by Monday to make an appointment to see if he has reflux. I just feel terrible that he's so grumpy- he usually never pulls away and is usually a great eater. 😓 @edomke
08.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Acid reflex! I can't believe your doctor hasn't thought of this. Exactly what my son did. He's pulling away because he has heartburn. Take him in asap so he can get on medication. My son is like a new baby since he's been on it.
08.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
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