Okay moms, I am 1cm dialated 50% effaced and had my membranes stripped this morning. What more can I do? I am so uncomfortable I just want to lay here and cry.. I can't handle the back pain anymore.. :/
No problem :) everyone told me to walk and sex and all this other stuff and nothing worked at all I just ended up being sore with a back ache and heartburn lol so just take a warm bath and relax till its time I know it sucks (I went to 41+4days) the pain was horrible and I wanted my daughter out so bad but nothing worked so I just kicked my feet up and waited for her to come . But bouncing on my yoga ball helped with my back and hip pain a lot I basically lived on that ball the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy
I was at 3cm for 2 weeks at L&D that had me take a warm bath and when I got out I was at 5cm so id recommend taking a bath and just relaxing honestly walking and all that doesn't work and if your already in pain it's just gunna make you hurt more cause your legs will be sore on top of back pain