Ive been upset all day. My baby has lost less than a pound since she was born last wed. She weighed 7lbs 10.6 oz at birth. I had to make a follow up appt for this past mon. They were concerned that she has a little jaundice n she lost weight. So i had another follow up today. Ive been breastfeeding her every 2 hours n massaging while she feeds to help her to get more. She feeds for 20-45 min each time... She has wet diapers n she poops once a day. But she lost two more oz since mon. Im doin everything i can n i didnt want to give her a bottle cuz i dont want her to reject my breast. But they gave me an option of her going in the hospital or giving her formula.... I was so upset because im still working on her latching n i didnt want the bottle to interfere... I dont feel like they've givin my body a chance to produce enough real breastmilk. I want to tell them to go to hell cuz its only been a week! I dont know what to do. Ive been crying all day cuz i feel like a failure... If AnYbody has advice its sooo needed right now