Ive been upset all day. My baby has lost less than a pound since she was born last wed. She weighed 7lbs 10.6 oz at birth. I had to make a follow up appt for this past mon. They were concerned that she has a little jaundice n she lost weight. So i had another follow up today. Ive been breastfeeding her every 2 hours n massaging while she feeds to help her to get more. She feeds for 20-45 min each time... She has wet diapers n she poops once a day. But she lost two more oz since mon. Im doin everything i can n i didnt want to give her a bottle cuz i dont want her to reject my breast. But they gave me an option of her going in the hospital or giving her formula.... I was so upset because im still working on her latching n i didnt want the bottle to interfere... I dont feel like they've givin my body a chance to produce enough real breastmilk. I want to tell them to go to hell cuz its only been a week! I dont know what to do. Ive been crying all day cuz i feel like a failure... If AnYbody has advice its sooo needed right now

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Thanks @mimckeeth she just turned a week today. I just wish they had given me more time. I had to give her formula because if i go back tomorrow n she's lost more they probably gonna try to put her in the hospital.
01.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
Hi sweetie! I just had my daughter three weeks ago, and she lost ten percent of her weight after birth and was a cause for concern. She didn't look too jaundice, but her weight didn't quite get back up to par by her two week appointment and my lactation consultant told me I should introduce a bottle. Now, I've been using a nipple shield for the last three weeks, and 9 times out of 10, she'll latch onto that easily and feed for at least 20 minutes. If she decides to be a little stinker and not latch on, I give her a bottle of the breast milk that I've pumped (I try to pump AT LEAST once a day - if not to give to her, to keep my milk supply up) and she hasn't had any trouble going back and forth between the bottle and my breast. Mind you, I am using a nipple shield, so it's a little different than your situation, BUT, I've started re-introducing my breast without the shield the last few days, and she's starting to latch on better! So, in conclusion, I know your poor nipples hurt now, but it gets better (by week two, with lots of lotion, I was totally healed up!) so, try to pump when you can, even for ten minutes, and try the bottle. I was seriously against it too, but it'll help her gain her weight back, and THAT'S the important thing right now. Honestly honey, we're only two weeks apart in our children's ages, and I can tell you, PROMISE YOU, it gets better even in the next week for you. Do not get down on yourself and tell your doctors to eff off with the formula talk. If you wanna breastfeed, you do it!! You are an amazing strong Mama!!! If you need any more help or advice or even someone to chat with, PLEASE do not hesitate to message me!!
01.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
They made another follow up tomorrow which is crazy. She said top off with formula each feeding but im wondering how much can change n one day...
01.10.2015 Нравится Ответить
@manina4, i know what you mean that happen to me with my first but i made a way for my milk to come in so i wouldn't have to do there options. it just takes time .
30.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Just Pray Hone You Are Not A Failure @manina4
30.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thx... I bought a pump but my nipples are cracked from her incorrect latching. Im finally getting it right n now they made me introduce a bottle... Idk if im being sensitive or what but i feel like they're jumping the gun. @melia
30.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I breastfeed also and to get more milk for me is to pump and that produces more for my kids and also ive heard and seen on this app is Mothers Tea it also helps you produce lots of milk and you can get that at Walmart . i hope this helps i know it can be overwhelming when you feel like you cant do anything for your baby but its been a week im sure your milk supply with come in fully. good luck keep your head up i have a feeling something gonna happen for you and baby . 💜
30.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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