My baby shower is in 8 days. And the only items that have been bought from my registry are the ones that my grandma bought...which I already know about! Alrighty then! 😂 #DontStress #YaRight but at least I already have his stroller. Car seat. Swing and pack n play!
8.6 лет

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Sometimes they will buy you things off your registry but like not through your registry if you get what i mean lol i bought my tia things she had on her registry but I didn't do it so where she knows what was bought lol

8.6 лет Нравится Ответить



Sometimes they will buy you things off your registry but like not through your registry if you get what i mean lol i bought my tia things she had on her registry but I didn't do it so where she knows what was bought lol

8.6 лет Нравится Ответить

don't feel bad, you never know they could have gotten something off your registry just from a different store... keep your head up :).

8.6 лет Нравится Ответить