2 woman that pushed pass me to get a seat on the train and look in my face not giving me a seat. noticed they got on the wrong train. GOOOOD... to fast get sit not letting pregnant women sit down.... not looking at wer the train is going LOOL
I'm staying at work till 38 weeks :)
I'm 25+5 weeks now. I'd rather stand on transport! trust me when you get to heavy bump stages it hurts your back to sit!:/x
Unless it is a busy train, I wouldn't worry about getting a seat xD :) I'm only bothered if I get on a busy bus and I can't get a seat 😦😡 Because there's a greater chance of someone knocking something into my bump xD :) Although ever since having my 20 week scan I have been less cautious...because the techs were so rough and pressed so hard on my stomach...so obviously the baby is well protected etc :) The techs were prodding and pressing the baby to try and turn him/her over and he/she wasn't having any of it...😂😂😂 Eventually I had to be told to go and take a walk etc :) People really only get up for you if they can see that you are heavily pregnant xD I may need to get a badge xD Where can you get them from? Because when I come out from college...it is always rush hour and people are going home from work and the buses are packed! @mrss