well I found out my last appointment that I have to have c section again I go in oct. 23rd at 5:30am to deliver my baby boy and get my tubes tied wish me luck doc told me until then to try and stay stress free and to take it easy cause he dont want baby Zachary to come right now until the day scheduled I'm seriously hoping everything turns out good this time around cause I'm a little nervous

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@brayleighsmommy121615 yes please discuss it w him because it's permanent (can be reversed depending on type of tieing) but we payed 6400 and drove 4hrs there.. If u need anything let me know, questions about it hit me up day or night 😉😘
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blessedw7, I love it which I love names that are different 😊 & thanks I will make sure I talk this over with my bf bc that has me worried now
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@brayleighsmommy121615 really!? 😊 thank u so much that means alot been having troubles w people hating her name 😢that made my night 🌃... And if u had period problems b4... It will be worse
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Omg @blessedw7 that sounds horrible and before pregnancy I had bad periods anyway when I wasn't on bc to help regulate them and then most of the time my periods were just as bad if not worse until I got on the nuvaring and then I got pregnant this go round. So my only option was having them tied bc I've gotten pregnant just about every time on bc :( now im a lil freaked out. And by the way I LOVE your baby girls name
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
so your one of the 3% then I just don't want no more kids period 2 is enough for me and Like I said my mom had hers done and its been almost 22 years now and she says it dont hurt and she still not able to have any more babies but I'm sorry for what happened to you maybe they didn't know what they was doing cause the surgery is suppose to be permanent that's y they ask u before signing if u are sure you dont want no more kids
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@brayleighsmommy121615 ok.. I had my tubes tide after my 4th was born when she was 6wks new in 2006... I was fine no problem b4 getting them clipped and fine nit having more kids for the first 4yrs... But after having them tide.. I had excruciating periods that kept me balled up in bed for days, I had surgeries for large cyst were the clips were, I had surgery for endometriosis, my clips feel off and only one was ever found (still have no clue what happened to the other one)... I bleed very very heavily that a super ➕ tampon wouldn't hold (I was fine b4 tieing tubes) about the 4th year I went into seveive depression because seeing a pregnancy killed me inside.. So in March 2012 we had them reversed and I'm currently almost 23wks w my 3rd tubal reversal Miracle (her name is Miracle Grayce 😉) and and I feel so whole again and will never do it again.. U may think it's what u want smh... Trust me.. Doctor don't ⚠ warn ⚠ you about the side effects it causes... Seen a woman in the obgyn few weeks ago she was holding her stomach like in pain so I asked her if she was ok.. She said she had her tubes tide few weeks ago and was there to schedule surgery for having large cyst and heavy bleeding and she never knew my story at all and told me to never tie my tubes because she regretted it... I had mine done in Kentucky.. 2 totally different doctors
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
plus the doc told me that to think of it as a thousand women coming in to get their tubes tied only 3 out of that thousand will wind up pregnant due to their tubes coming untied that it's a very low low chance of it even happening that it doesn't mean that it actually will that's y its permanent the only way for it to happen is if they weren't tied correctly and ur body heals itself and the tubes were to join back together but they cut them so short and tie them to were the sperm can't even reach the tubes plus they close them to were it can't get in
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Sigh... I'm typing give me a minute because it's kinda long @brayleighsmommy121615
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blessedw7, why do you say not to have them done? Just asking bc I sign my papers at my next appointment to have mine done.
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I already signed the papers . and he says its only a 3% chance out of a thousand of them coming untied that it's 99.7% accurate and my mom had hers tied for 21 years they still aint come undone
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Please don't tie your tubes speaking from experience here
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
just try to stay positive! the pain wont last forever. good luck to you :)
15.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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