So because I have no credit, I need a co signer for the loan I was considering taking out, because the formula Arwen needs is 30 dollars a can (Similac Alimentum) , she's going through one can every three days, and WIC only gives us 4 cans (12 days), and because we NEED a car. It is impossible for Ben to get from group therapy to work by bus and make it on time. None of our family is willing to co sign. So here are my options: Get a credit card and use it ONLY for formula and stay in school full tinme (so I can buld enough credit to not need a co signer later on), Get a work from home job and try to juggle that with part time school, or drop out and get a full time job. I don't want to be away from my children so much, especially Arwen who's only 7 weeks old. I am at a complete loss...I don't know what to do...

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Also sign up for similac. They will give you some sample cans and small 6 pack bottle formula (its like a care package) plus you get 4 or 5 $5.00 off checks for cans of formula every month.
11.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
Maybe have an in home daycare? That way you can stay at home with your baby while also making money.
11.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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