I'm having a hard time with getting my son to nurse for a long period of time. He will for like 5/10 minutes then fall asleep, then wake up 1/2 hour/1 hour later wanting to eat again. I try to wake him to continue eating but he won't. So I've been pumping between him eating and feeding him a bottle bc he will stay up for the whole thing... I've noticed in not producing much milk. Less than 3oz every 2/3 hours.... What can I do to increase my supply since my son won't spend time eating at the breast? I'm afraid I'm going to have to give up nursing bc we can't seem to get it down.

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You're welcome ;). As far as keeping him awake try rubbing his cheek or feet. Never worked with my son if he was asleep that was it and I got an over supply cause I was pumping to and thinking I didn't have enough cause I'd only get 3 oz after nursing. Turns out that's excellent I had no idea.
10.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @californiahaley! I'm living in a different state than all my friends/family so I'm kinda in my own with it. I went to a lactation consultant and she didn't really help much besides with latching. Thanks for easing my mind!
10.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
Im having the same problem 😢
10.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
Pumping isn't an indication of supply amount. At only 2 week pp you don't need much more. Your supply will regulate around 6-8 weeks pp and you don't want to start trying to increase when it's not needed you could end up with an over supply which isn't fun
10.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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