@jhordan23, I've noticed many of changes with this pregnancy at 23 going on 24 from when I was pregnant 18 going to 19. Crazy how 5 years can change the body. My mom had me at 21 then my brother at 25. Then just had my two sisters at 40 & 42😦😵
@tater4414, it's funny because my two high school friends and I all had boys for our first baby, same age range. Now they had girls for their #2 and so will I! Haha.
@jessimadre, ...lol...ur still young...not saying im old...lol...but its a lot harder as u get older...i had my 1st @ 23 and it was a breeze now I cant say the same! I know everyone is different but ill definitely b fixed aft this...I have my boy and in November will have my girl!! :) Best wishes!
@Imluvd88, oh man! The only girl in the family of boys! I had one brother (one sibling until my mom had my 4 & 3 yo sister) and man I had my hair pulled and bruises everywhere lol
@regganmommy2015, this will be my finances 1st, my 2nd. We both say this will be it. One boy and one girl. I just feel like a permanent decision for me is just scary but I really don't want anymore! Lol.
@jhordan23, hahaaaa I'm 23 (24 next month) due with #2 and I want to definitely say this is my final! I would love a permanent birth control. But the closer I get to my due date, I'm not sure if I want this to be my last lol.