tonight might be my last night breastfeeding I go to the doctor tomorrow to talk about my postpartum depression and anxiety and they might put me on meds so no more breastfeeding
No pressure at all but many doctors aren't familiar with what medication is safe during breastfeeding and so they just say no. Here's a link to a list of websites that can help you determine whether the medication you are prescribed is actually safe to continue to use while breastfeeding. If you let them know it's important to you, they might be able to make a safe reccomendation too. Of course, the main thing is getting better and no matter what happens with breastfeeding... Making yourself a healthy, happy mama is the number one priority :) You are very strong for seeking help and I just wanted you to know that you have options! ссылка
@journey_of_life, she knows you love her. I think the bonding is more for mom at this age then baby anyway. It's not like they remember so young. Plus, you can always keep up with doing skin to skin! That will help a lot I'm sure. If you ever need to talk - I'm here!
I hope you start to feel better soon! ❤️ And try not to stress about the breast feeding. Formula is wonderful these days, and your baby will be completely healthy. Don't worry yourself. 🌸