My husband works 8 - 5 or 6pm as a painter and I am a stay at home mom, 30 weeks pregnant and have a one year old. When he gets home he doesn't ever really help me out with taking care of my son. I literally do everything from bathing him almost daily to making his food and his dad's food with my son on my hip while he relaxes. Still doing this at 30 weeks! Everyday..
He works everyday..
He helps after work and one day off in the sense were he plays with him and has him off my arm for a couple minutes sometimes and will watch him if I ever go out with a friend (which I don't have any but one that never has time for me, and when I do go out its for like one hour) but he never just helps me Becuase "I deserve it or I need a break" so when I complain about how hard my pregnancy has gotten... CUZ it has. Omg its way harder than my first. Especially when I don't have sick days ever. Anyways, he says he does his part and works to support us and all I do is stay home and how hard could it be. And that I shouldn't even be complaining or saying shit at all BECUASE every women has to go through it and it's not his fault that it's hard for me and that I need to stop feeling bad for myself and handle going through a difficult pregnancy and having my one year old 24/7. Does any one else's bf or husband say anything like this to them while UR pregnant??? He never showed sympathy with my first pregnancy but I forgave him CUZ it was easy on me... But my arms and back R literally breakin... I think I'm loosing it mentally not having a break. And if I do get a break... He gets one too. And every other time, he gets one too BECUASE he works so hard for us. Anyways, does every guy say this at any point to their wife/gf or is mine being really fucked up? CUZ I keep thinking a normal guy wouldn't say this and he would help more BECUASE I literally do it all. Like I'm the best fucking mom and wife and supporter. Fucking everything. And I'm starting to feel as if this isn't going to work out CUZ I don't think I can be with a man that devalues everything I do or achieve. And I'm married to this guy. What R UR guys' like during pregnancy??? I don't get if there's better or all the same 😓 but regardless im so hurt idk what to do about it :( I don't think it's fair for me to take it) I was raised to know better but yet somehow im in this situation with my husband telling me this and I'm just stunned beyond belief)