Kristi Davis
On my birth plan, I put that I didn't want the epidural until requested by me. I have a medium tolerance for pain (depending on the pain). I told my husband that the way I looked at it: if I make it far enough into labor without the epidural that I can't get it before I ask for it, then I can tough it out and bring my baby into the world drug free. If I ask for it before that limit, then I wouldn't have made it through it without it.... BUT this is my first baby... What's your opinion on this??
Location is South Carolina (Since some places have different limits of when you can/cant get it.)
8.7 лет

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my mom, aunt and sister are all l&d nurses and they've all said that the epidural often speeds up labor, because it lessens the pain and mom is able to relax her muscles and dilate quicker. There's pros and cons to both. I'm definitely getting one, though.

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my mom, aunt and sister are all l&d nurses and they've all said that the epidural often speeds up labor, because it lessens the pain and mom is able to relax her muscles and dilate quicker. There's pros and cons to both. I'm definitely getting one, though.

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my first son was born natural in a pool hard but very relaxing and worth it now my second son decided to show me magic, my water bag was leaking I walked three blocks to l&d got there at 11 they starting potocin I was fine up until about 11 that morning got to 5 cm and I couldn't breath the pain was so bad I had to get oxygen my first epidural failed the second one failed and finally got the spinal injection I was numb and sick by 3:30 he was here. you will do fine everyone is different and every labor is different Lol

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