child birth class was completed last night... and it left me uneasy I had a total break down this is really happening. Washing all the clothes my son got from the baby shower starting to pack our hospital bag... and suddenly I feel like I might not be capable of raising my son. I real fear has set in. It hit me out of no where. All of my fears and stress are front and center.
8.7 лет

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You will be fine it's ok if you make a mistake while learning how to be a mom it makes you better not worse you got this my friend

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You will be fine it's ok if you make a mistake while learning how to be a mom it makes you better not worse you got this my friend

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this is good. now is your chance to address them and move on. every last one of them, even the seemingly insignificant ones. talk to someone or try journalling first. it makes a big difference

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