Okay ladies.. my daughter spends Saturday night with her daddy and he brings her back Sunday afternoon..I don't mind sending clothes/blankets because she's only staying for one night but I do mind having to send bottles/diapers/baby wipes..um,she's YOUR child too, he needs to have things like that there for her already, I sent an entire thing of baby wipes last weekend and now I have to send more because he "left them out" and bugs got into them,what the fuck, that certainly makes me feel better about my daughter being there>< and he texted me today and says that he couldn't get the base for a car seat tight enough and not have it wobble so he put a blanket under it.... hell no, sorry dude >< I swear I'd much rather do this on my own
8.7 лет

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Yes it shouldn't be all on you to get her necessities

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Yes it shouldn't be all on you to get her necessities

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@ginag918, nope, and I have- his answer is always -I'll do it another day just not today -.- .. I respect that he wants to be in his daughters life but he needs to get his shit together

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he should already have that stuff at his house. when my hisbamd amd i werent together with our first son, he had diapers at his house amd bought diapers for at my house.

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Did he or does he help u buy the stuff? If so I see you sharing but if he didn't help u buy it he should buy his own. Bottles are cheap though diapers n wipes aren't he should have his own little stash of goodies for his baby when he has the baby smh but guys don't think that way so maybe you should suggest to him to stock up!

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