My family needs to fucking quit . Im tired of being told "step up and be a mom", "you need to do more around this house" "you're such a bitch, he deserves the rest he works you don't" I'm not a fucking peasant yet they act as such. I take care of my daughter and my nephew 24/7 while her dads at work and his dad is passed out hungover. I clean bottles so the kids can have full tummies. I clean the floors daily so they don't get too dirty. I cook so yall can eat. I don't even eat because I'm more concerned on feeding them. I deserve a 3 hour fucking nap once in awhile since I don't sleep, I would love to know how I'm supposed to get enough rest in order to not accidentally hurt one of these kids when they're on opposite sleeping schedules- one is always awake when the other one is asleep. Please tell me why he deserves the rest when he even says he doesn't, he doesn't do anything at work. He gets 8-12 hour breaks from diapers , bottles, puke, chasing kids, plus more EVERY DAY.
Please tell me what I'm doing so wrong that yall feel the need to treat me as shit.
I regret coming back home.